Thing you should know when buying CCTV camera
1. Warranty
When you buy CCTV camera asking about warranty is amust , Branded CCTV components are highly reliable and are expected to deliver on their promises. However, even if there are any faulty products, these are most likely to fail within the first 90 days of use which is within the manufacturer’s warranty period. Therefore, purchasing extended warranty coverage may not be required.
2. Type and Quality chip in camera
There are two type imaging Chip in Camera : CCTV security cameras produce images using CMOS or CCD (Charge Couple Device) chips. Tiny and/or very low price CCTV cameras usually use CMOS technology, produce poor quality video and have very poor light sensitivity. Decent quality and better CCTV cameras use CCD technology. The size of the CCD chip is normally 1/4", 1/3" or 1/2". As a rule of thumb, the larger the size, the higher the quality of the image produced and the higher the price. However, higher density 1/4" and 1/3" CCD chips can now produce as good an image as many older 1/3" or 1/2" chips.
3. Focus Camera
Auto Focus is ideal when a person needs to keep it as simple as possible. Manual focus override on an auto focus system allows for maximum versatility and allows complete control over unique viewing situations.
4. TV Lines
The best CCTV camera that you can purchase will be the one best suited for its environment and application. If it is necessary for you to record fine details, you should consider purchasing a camera with a high TVL. For recording images at night or in low-light environments, an infrared camera is mandatory. If you need to record a large area at once, your top priority in choosing a camera should be one with a large FOV.
CMOS - Standard Image Quality - 380 TVL
1/4" CCD - High Image quality - 420 TVL
1/3" CCD - Very High Image Quality - 480 TVL
1/3" CCD - Ultra High Image Quality - 540 TVL
1/3" CCD - Extremely High Image Quality - 650 TVL
5. LUX Rating
A LUX, abbreviated lx, is the International System of Units (SI) measure of the intensity of light. It can be thought of as the strength of light as determined by the human eye. A LUX is based on another unit of light measurement called a lumen, which is based on yet another unit called a candela. In the United States, the non-SI unit to measure light intensity is the footcandle. One foot candle is approximately equal to 10.8 LUX.
In order to put things in perspective, here some are some setting examples with their equivalent LUX rating:
• A quarter moon-lit night produces about .01 LUX
• A full moon on a clear night produces about 0.27 LUX
• A full moon on a clear night near the equator produces about 1 LUX
• An average family room produces about 50 LUX
• An overcast, dark day produces about 100 LUX
• Typical office lighting ranges from about 300 to 500 LUX
• Direct sunlight can range from about 30,000 to 130,000 LUX
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