Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to reset or remove Trend Micro OfficeScan password to default

Antivirus Trend Micro

I am Writing this base on my Experiences when I have problem when I try to unnistall Trendmicro Antivirus Client. To Unnistall TM Cilent we need Uninstall Password.
How about if we forgot the password or Trend Micro Server have aproblem and need to Re-install??

After Try for some information from internet finnaly I can Remove the TM Client...:)

Below is some step that I write to make you easy To remove / reset the uninstall password for Trend Micro OfficeScan Client in Win XP

1. C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client
2. Find Ofcscan.ini file
3. Open Ofcscan.ini using notepad
4. Search [INI_CLIENT_SECTION] and find the line reading Uninstall_Pwd= and type a “#” at the beginning of the line to comment it out.
5. Insert a new line saying Uninstall_Pwd=70
6. Save the Ofcscan.ini file and retry the uninstall. When it prompts you for a password, enter a '1'.

For others operating system you can find Ofcscan.ini file in different folder maybe in Windows or program files and do the same step..I only test this in Win XP and its works.. :)

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How to reset or remove Trend Micro OfficeScan password to default


  1. saya tambahin ni klo cara diatas kurang :
    1. Start > Run then type "Regedit"
    2.masuk ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc
    3. disebelah kanan cari Allow Uninstall" ubah nilainya menjadi "1".
    4. Unistall dari control panel

    keep blogging om...kekekeke

  2. Thank u for the info, it make my article more completed :), If you or other person have good asticle and want to sharing and posting your article in Gokhiel Weblog,you can send your article at,I will put your name or your blog in the article ..Ok guys..Lets Learn IT together :)

  3. This worked perfectly!!!
