Sunday, October 12, 2008

Testing Free software for HD Cloning - Disc Copy 2.0 and HDClone Free Edition

Software Test

Sebenernya sih ogah ya mo kloning2-an tapi krn di beberpa computer ada software asli yg terinstall dan aktivasinya Cuma sekali jadi kepikiran juga mo cloning..soale kebayang malesnya ngurus administrasi sama vendor yg bersangkutan kalo Hardisk kita bermaslah soale softwarenya Asli alias Genuine gitu lohh..:P. Setelah browsing kesana kemari akhirnya dapet deh 2 software gratis yg mo dicoba..yg menurut webnya punya keunggulan2 tertentu lengkapnya baca dibawah yee..english gitu loh..males ngartiinya :p

1. Disk Copy 2.0 is a potent freeware providing sector to sector disk/partition copy regardless of your operating system, file systems and partition scheme. The sector to sector method assures you a copy 100% identity to original. EASEUS Disk Copy can be used for backup, cloning, or upgrading your original small hard drive to a new larger drive. Simply speaking, it can backup anything from old hard drive including deleted, lost files and inaccessible data. Major Features: 1. Copy and back up data between your hard drives. 2. Data clone (compatible with all hard drives). 3. Sector to sector copy. 4. Works with pure freedos operating systems. 5. Safe, simple and fast! New Features: 1. Friendly graphical user interface. 2. Supports SATAI, SATAII, SCSI, Fire wire (IEEE1394) and USB. 3. Supports Partition Copy. 4. Relay disk space for insufficient destination. 5. Supports inaccessible disk copy.

Bisa di download di :

2. The Free Edition of HDClone is the ideal tool for moving or cloning contents of entire hard disks on larger ones. Since it works on a physical level it can be used with any operating system and any filesystem. HDClone copies the data for you. This allows you to transfer entire system installations to a newer hard disk quickly and easily (hard disk migration). You only have to add the additional space on the disk via a partitioning tool. Since HDClone has its own operating system and is self-booting, it can be used even if the installed operating system is damaged. Therefore HDClone is also a great solution for data rescue on damaged hard disks or system installations. The commercial versions HDClone Basic Edition, HDClone Standard Edition, HDClone Professional Edition, and HDClone Enterprise Edition offer extended features.

Bisa di download di :

Kesimpulan dari 2 free software tersebut :

- Hamper 99% sama dengan aslinya. Semua program bisa running denganbaik (windows, office, etc), hanya ada software lain (label View) yang minta aktivasi ulang karena keliatannya software ini aktivasinya membaca serial kode dari HD juga deh…

- Untuk software HD clone free edition ngk bisa cloning kalo HD cloning kapasitasnya lebih kecil dari yg mo di cloning walaupun di HD asli datanya ngk penuh ..tetep ngk bisa!!
- Untuk HD sebesar 20 GB dengan 2 partisi di cloning dengan HD 30 GB memakan waktu +- 1 jam lebih .

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Testing Free software for HD Cloning - Disc Copy 2.0 and HDClone Free Edition


  1. Pake Acronis lumayan OK tuh...
    kapasitas besar ato kecil, pindah dari yg kap. kecil ke kap. besar lumayan cepet.
    paling cepet yg pernah saya laukan cuman 3 menit n yang terlama 30 menit

  2. sayang nya Acronis ngk gratis tuh..kalo gratis boleh juga di coba..:)
